

Company: Aston Manor Brewery Co. Ltd
Breach: No
Final Decision: 24 September 2009

Considered under the 1st Edition of the Code.

Complaint Summary

“The name of the drink suggests an association with aggressive and, in many cases, dangerous imagery since a snake is something which most people would wish to avoid due to its often fatal consequences.”


Alcohol Concern


The company said that Snake Bite had been recognised as a drink – 50 per cent lager 50 per cent cider – for over 30 years and mixed by most publicans on request. Snake Bite is marketed as having bite and hence to be treated with respect. To date the product has been exported to many countries and no concerns have been expressed regarding the labelling and name.

It was concluded that Snake Bite does not contravene the Code. There appears to be nothing in the name that would be more likely to appeal to under 18s than over 18s. The name Snake Bite is indicative of animal, not human behaviour. It was considered that there is no reason to believe it would encourage humans to behave in an aggressive or dangerous way.


Action by Company

None required.