We are actively engaged with local policymakers throughout England to ensure that the voice of responsible producers is present at a local level. We highlight the progress which has been made in promoting responsible drinking across the country, as well as tackling alcohol misuse on the ground.
A key element of tackling harm in local areas has been the adoption of partnerships between industry-funded initiatives and local councils, police, healthcare providers, licensing authorities to ensure a safe and prosperous nighttime economy. The following groups work in concert to reduce alcohol-related disorder, prevent underage sales and provide assistance to the most vulnerable.
Best Bar None, Community Alcohol Partnerships, Pubwatch and Street Pastors.
Click below to download the latest infographics on key England alcohol statistics.
Alcohol trends in England (September 2022)
Low and No alcohol alternatives continue to grow in popularity across the UK. To read our research report, click below.
For further information about the Portman Group’s activities in England, please contact info@portmangroup.org.uk

1 February 2022
Press Releases
Response to latest the Local Alcohol Profiles for England in 2020-21

15 July 2021
PHE report on alcohol consumption and harm during the COVID-19 pandemic

13 April 2021
PHE methodology consultation – Portman Group response

25 February 2021
Press Releases
Response to the ONS data on alcohol-specific deaths in England and Wales